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Thursday, June 08, 2006

you know you've been canoeing too much when...

1) while sitting on the mrt or on a bus, when the ride becomes jerky, you instinctively stick out an arm to try to brace

2) in the car, you see your mom as your 'frontman'

3) when in the car, when the light turns yellow, you frantically scream for your mom to 'BURST!!"

4) you accidentally address your tuition teacher as 'jiaolian'

5) you fall asleep while sitting on the toilet bowl and wake up finding yourself doing strokes

6) while swimming in the pool, you find something is amiss. you realise that the weird feeling comes because you are not used to swimming without a boat :P

7) you don't mind to drink macritchie water. from a paddle.

8) your tan lines are really ugly

9) in a boring lecture, u'd flex your biceps, just to make sure their still big

10) you start to recognise the individual monkeys at macritchie (this one is called ah meng, this one is called ah toot, this one is called jiao jiao)

| bernard posted at 4:38 PM |


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