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Sunday, July 16, 2006


:: keith ::.. its really over says:
A teacher doing grad studies was doing a study testing the senses of first graders by using a bowl of lifesavers.
He gave all the children the same kind of lifesavers one at a time, and asked them to identify them by color and flavor.
The children began to say:

Finally the teacher gave them all honey lifesavers. After eating them for a few moments none of the children could identify the taste. Well," he said "I'll give you all a clue, It's what your mother may call your father at times."

One little girl looked up in horror, spit her lifesaver out and yelled:
"Oh My God!!!! They're assholes!"

A blond gets a job at a toy factory making Tickle Me Elmos. The foreman takes her to her station and gives her instructions, then goes back to his office An hour later, he looks out and sees the line is halted. He goes down the line looking for the holdup. When he comes to the blonde's station, he sees she has a big pile of Elmos. He watches her take 2 marbles, drop them in a little bag and carefully sew the bag between Elmo's legs

He rolls his eyes and says, "Let's go over this one more time. Your job is to give Elmo two... test... TICKLES!"

| bernard posted at 12:54 AM |


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