Monday, July 02, 2007
Bedok Recce with Archtyranno and Koolketh
Hi people, the following are some photos we took at Bedok Reservoir today. Take a look and get a feeling of how it's like from our perspective. :)
(Archtyranno, if there's anything I left out, please do add in)
Please click on the photos for enlargement so that you can see properly! And pai seh for the bad photography; I was using my hp.
Some of the structures were there for some Dragon Boat Racing Competition that took place over the weekend. They might not be used for the Canoeing Competition next week.
A photo from the front of the race lanes, where people who check for DQers would be stationed.
These are NOT the pontoons we will be setting off from. They look nice though.
This is the "going into water" corridor. You will bring your boats down this ramp and onto the pontoon at the end of the path.
A view of the "officials" seating place from the ramp.
The end of the walkway, the pontoon is on the left.
Pontoon! Quite small compared to MR's.
The HC training. Man they are early in getting to that place.
A view of the pontoon from the grass patch.
A view of the race lanes. Take note of the huge distance between buoys and lack of cover on both sides of the race lanes.
The spot for the officials to stand on? It is in line with the finish line, which is around 50m from the last line of big buoys.
And the guy sitting there is Coach Joseph. Hi!
Another view of the race lanes
The finish line. The distance between the buoys and the "line" is distinctively shorter than that of the others. We estimate this distance to be 50m while that between the buoys from 500m to finish line to be 150m. Hence, there will be like 1 line of buoys at the 500m, another at 350m, another at 200 while the last at 50m which is they picture you see above. By the way, they only use BIG BUOYS as the indicators so do try to avoid them when paddling. They are like the ones we have at 250m, 500m, 750m and 1000m at MR.
Shelter for viewing?
More shelter
And more shelter
A possible spot to view the race.
The fence to keep our boats? Not sure.
Selwyn's Sexy Back! Yeap!
As you can see, the fence is not the same height as Justin Chiam.
This should be the enclosure where we will be keeping the boats (I think). Maybe it's not. Just speculating cause it's the only "fenced-up" area we saw.

As you can see from the photos, the buoys are freaking far apart. So far that I can't take a photo with the two lines of buoys inside.
HC people trng..

More pictures of the race course
A view from the approximate 750m mark. We not sure how far we have walked.
A view from the end of the start of the race lanes. (1000m mark) Archtyranno and I noticed that there weren't obvious big buoys for separation and the 1000m mark. They used some small floating white pieces instead. In addition, there are only two lines of buoys from the 1000m mark to the 500m mark. The arrangement of the buoys is quite weird.
Whoo, in total I think we walked more than 2km, from start to finding the bus stop to go home. Haha...
Also, the toilet and water cooler is located quite a distance from the pontoon, like 800m? It's further than at MR so if you want to answer nature's call, move faster.
That's all from us, good luck for your CT results! :)
EDIT: not much, just that on race day (or actually, even on sat when we go over), remember to bring lots of water. The water cooler is really quite far (next to the toilet, not counting a potential make-shift one) from where we would be stationed. And, it's really quite hot in the afternoon from 2 to 4+++, so afternoon racers be aware of that. And for morning races, i think the morning sun should be facing you when you are racing so if can, try to get a pair of sunglasses. and for those who dunno, Archtyranno wa ore.
(Archtyranno, if there's anything I left out, please do add in)
Please click on the photos for enlargement so that you can see properly! And pai seh for the bad photography; I was using my hp.
Some of the structures were there for some Dragon Boat Racing Competition that took place over the weekend. They might not be used for the Canoeing Competition next week.

And the guy sitting there is Coach Joseph. Hi!

This should be the enclosure where we will be keeping the boats (I think). Maybe it's not. Just speculating cause it's the only "fenced-up" area we saw.

Whoo, in total I think we walked more than 2km, from start to finding the bus stop to go home. Haha...
Also, the toilet and water cooler is located quite a distance from the pontoon, like 800m? It's further than at MR so if you want to answer nature's call, move faster.
That's all from us, good luck for your CT results! :)
EDIT: not much, just that on race day (or actually, even on sat when we go over), remember to bring lots of water. The water cooler is really quite far (next to the toilet, not counting a potential make-shift one) from where we would be stationed. And, it's really quite hot in the afternoon from 2 to 4+++, so afternoon racers be aware of that. And for morning races, i think the morning sun should be facing you when you are racing so if can, try to get a pair of sunglasses. and for those who dunno, Archtyranno wa ore.
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