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Thursday, December 14, 2006

totally useless information...

Don't u think tat maintaining a relationship nowadays is very costly and burns a hole in your pocket? This post shares a way in which no money needs to be spent to have a fun time.

First, enter your nearest bookshop. Go to the information section and find a book titled: Totally useless information. Take it and sit down along the aisle. You and your frens can read and get to know some totally useless information which is quite cool and fun. You will get to know how ignorant u actually are...

Coz tat day Jing Cong, me and another fren went to MPH when we waiting for some other frens and we started reading stuff. Jing Cong was reading a book on farting which is really a waste of money if u buy it coz it costs 20 bucks and its super thin and has crap inside like a page on "Famous People who have farted".
1. Gandi
2. Stalin
3 ect
which is super lame coz its super random.

Den Jing Cong gave me some dirty sex joke book for gals to read which he bought as a bdae present for his fren. Nope, he wasn't naughty enough to give it to Eve. It was some other guy classmate. Anyway, I think Bernard's sex jokes are more funny so maybe he should start writing a dirty joke book and earn lots of money.

kk coming back to the totally useless information which my other fren found. Just to show u some examples, i shall post the totally useless information i learnt tat day.

1. Did u know tat Morroco's orchestra is larger den its army?
2. A snail has 25000 teeth.
3. A leech has 35 brains.
4. A humpback whale has a 10 foot long penis. (Our height is only 5 feet.)
5. A humpback whale's penis is called a dork.
6. A gorilla's penis is 2 inches long.
7. Mosquitoes are more attracted to females den to males becoz of the higher oestrogen concentration for females.
8. Do u know your heart stops beating when u sneeze?
9. The total time you spend blinking a day will equilivilate to 30min of shutting your eyes.
10. A cicada spends 17 years sleeping. In the 2 weeks it is awake, it mates and den dies.

Yup...totally useless information is quite cool.

| Peter Is Nice! posted at 5:46 PM |


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